Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Wonders What to Do

I am currently pondering what to do... and not just for the day... but rather I am thinking about my future. I do feel like I am in a great position at the moment. I am free to do whatever I want. In some ways that makes it more difficult. Way too many choices.

I could stay here in Peterborough and try and get something. Recently I applied for a job as an addictions counsellor and one as an employment counsellor. The second one has the most appeal to me. I am starting to see a few jobs that would appeal to me.... but being a small town there aren't as many. And I have never liked Peterborough. I'm not sure what it is but I hated this town when I moved here and I can't say that my feelings have changed all that much. I can count the number of people I like on one hand. The cost of living is high... the crime rate is high... the jobs are all typically low wage....

I could move to Belleville (or Trenton). From the look of it I can rent a two bedroom apartment for the the same price as my current apartment. How sad is that? The drawback there is that I am not sure I really want to go back to another call centre. There is a posting right now for Operations Supervisor and from what I can tell it would be a step up from where I was and be a wise idea if I wanted to pursue a management position at a call centre. But again... is that really what I want to do? Seems to me I would be heading right back into the fire.

Something I have been giving more thought to as of late is moving back to London, ON. Just today I saw that it was rated as the 8th best place in Canada to live. I always did like London. And since it is a bigger city there are more job opportunities. I just saw a job posting there for employment counsellor as well. Plus there were jobs at the University, the hospital, and elsewhere. Again, the price of apartments there are cheaper. I even saw one for a building near where I used to live where they are offering either a free 27" TV, MP3 player (but not an iPod) or 5.1 Megapixel Sony digital camera PLUS if you move in on or before August 1 they are giving you a month's rent free.

There is also the option of relocating elsewhere... somewhere other then Ontario. That one obviously has more challenges, especially if the relocation involves moving to another country. Wonder if I can avoid my loan that way? *lol* Just kidding... But it is an option.

I have no idea what to do... I keep weighing my options and the pros and cons but I'm not sure what the best idea is. Any thoughts or advice are definitely welcome. Or maybe I should just roll a dice and see what happens *lol*

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