Thursday, May 10, 2007

Student Loan: Finally Some Good News

Bank error in your favour... collect $200. Oh wait this isn't Monopoly. So I got a call from my caseworker about my student loan. I really do need to call him back. Looks like the bank did make a mistake and miscalculated how many months of interest relief I had really used. Those must have been good drugs to lose 6 months. So my interest relief has been approved. The appeal only took 3 months this time instead of 5. That means that I will not have to make any payments until August. It also means that I should be able to get back the money I paid to the bank. That means $657 coming back to me.... money I can definitely use right about now although it will take 3 weeks. And that's not all. The negative scores that were put on my credit report due to non-payment are all being removed. FINALLY!!! And in July if I am still not making enough money to pay my loan I can look at applying for extended interest relief and then I would have up to 24 months where I do not have to make payments and the government pays for the interest. Hopefully I can actually find a job where I can make the payments since I really want to get it paid off... but at least now I don't have to worry about it for a few months. YAY!!!!!!!!!!

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