Thursday, May 31, 2007

Takes Your Breath Away

The smog that is. What am I doing out in the smog you might ask? Well the fire alarm is what got me out of bed... Granted it was noon so I can't really complain about the time. So I decided since I was going to be outside and working on my tan any ways I might as well make use of the time. After all if it is a false alarm then I will be outside for about 30 minutes and if it's real then it will be hours. So off I go.... The cloud was just gray and the air was thick. I had trouble breathing. But I got the few items I needed and then returned home again. Home to a hot, humid apartment. Can't breathe in it either. I was planning to buy an air conditioner with my tax return so that I wouldn't have to rely on Steve's sense of timing. Then I had no job and paying bills was more important. So now I am waiting.... and hoping he comes through soon.

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