Monday, May 28, 2007

Morning Ritual

This morning was like most other mornings. Shortly after I woke up Azrael was right there curling up beside me. He wanted his morning dose of love and adoration. As he is nestled in beside me I realize that what he wants is just that sense of touch. What is it about the sense of touch? It is reassuring. It is therapeutic. It's about love.

I think that everyone longs for that sense of touch... even the people that seem to flinch when you touch them. Everyone craves that sense of touch. We want to be reassured. We want to be loved. And there is just something therapeutic about the touch of another.

I have to draw some of my examples from a cat. But I have seen how he responds to touch. Azrael will wag his tail when he's happy. His face just lights up. And he comes running to me. He doesn't always want me to pet him. Sometimes he just wants to be held. It's not just humans that respond to the sense of touch. Azrael does as well. Right now he is holding my hand.

We all need someone to hold us, reassure us, or even just give us a pat on the back every once in a while. Speaking of a therapeutic touch I am long overdue for a visit with the chiropractor.

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