Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Tragedy ---> Exploitation

I seem to be really critical of media these days. Today I saw an ad for a special on A&E about the Virgina Tech shootings, called "A Killer on Campus." Don't get me wrong I believe it is a huge tragedy and the thought of it fills me with sadness. However, I believe that it is also being exploited. Whenever you look at a news story there is always an agenda behind it. I don't generally watch the news for a reason. I am willing to bet that CNN was showing endless clips of the event, much like they did in Columbine. Ask yourself, were are they showing the same footage time and time again? Was it about awareness or was it about ratings? Even now the specials are focusing on the killer and not all the victims of this tragedy. They are the ones that we should feel for. They died because they went to school that day... or lived in that dorm. But is anyone spending an hour on the lives of each victim? Of course not... because that is not what sells. They know that we are more interested in why someone would do this kind of thing and that we have this morbid curiousity so we'll watch CNN for hours... or watch a show on the killer. We, as a society, have become so desensitized by the violence that we don't even think about the fact we focus on the psychopath and give him more attention then we do to the innocent victims. And then we wonder why it happens again. It's like the message I saw on a web site, "Is adult entertainment killing kids... or is killing kids adult entertainment?"

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