Friday, July 06, 2007

Current Events

Life is always an adventure... Yesterday I called tech support again. This time there were no hassles which is new. Pretty quickly the computer was ruled DOA meaning that it will be replaced yet again. I'm still not sure about that decision. I mean it's great that I will get a working computer out of it.... But I am not so enthusiastic about being without the computer yet again. I've already lost a month to this, time I will never get back. I just don't have any fight left in me right now.

I was also back at the hospital last night. The pain has been increasing from the abscess. Unfortunately, the size had not increased so the doctor was still unwilling to drain it. It's been there for a week and is not getting any better. But there is nothing I can do except wait and hope that the antibiotics really do take care of it.

I feel like I am fighting everything and everyone at the moment. Both of these things are taking a huge toll on me and I feel like I am running on empty at the moment. Part of me just wants to completely withdraw and push everyone away. My justification: self-preservation. But I know that escapism isn't the answer. I'm still hoping that things start going well... and soon.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:50 a.m.

    Have you tried hot compresses? Sometimes that will bring it to a head and it will uh 'self-drain'. Then keep it clean with a mild salt water solution (about as salty as tears). Hope you feel beter soon.
