Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Hypocrisy of Live Earth

As most people probably know today is "Live Earth" Al Gore's big concerts for climate change... I'm currently watching the New York concert on TV and I must admit that it is really slick. But, for the most part, the only environmental message is in between sets. So that begs the question.... why do we need pop stars rocking it out? Now some of these stars really do practice what they are currently preaching.... bands like the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Linkin Park. But a lot of them live in mansions, use limousines and have their own jet to travel in style. I'd want to go just to hear the bands.... which was the point. Get them in and then hope that they listen to the message as well. Maybe politicians should take note for when they are campaigning.

It's not just the messengers I question. I question the medium. As I watch the concert and see the stadium packed full of people you wonder what the ecological cost is of all this. All of those people had to get there somehow. Not only that but there was the stage construction and all the electricity going to the stage for all the lights and the equipment.

What is their answer to that? They plan on offsetting the carbon that is being used. So the message there is that it's okay as long as you pay for it. Reminds me of Catholicism actually. 10 hail Mary's and all is okay again. Prevention is worth a pound of cure. Shouldn't it be about reducing the ecological footprint and not damaging the environment in the name of climate change and then paying for it later? Seems to go against what they are supposedly promoting. I call that hypocrisy.

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