Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Keyboard as a High Powered Device

I know most people are reading the title of the post and wondering what drugs I am on. But that is seriously what I was told by technical support last night when I called. I'm still having issues with the USB port and was told that it's normal for high powered devices not to work as expected because the iSight camera is using the same USB bus. The specifications don't say that. So I asked about the Apple keyboard I had tested. The agent said that it was USB 2 (umm... nope... We're talking an Apple keyboard from the original iMac... back before USB 2) and was a high powered device. I just about asked hi what drugs he was on. Then I just had to ask what was a low powered device.... a mouse. So... let me get this straight I have one working USB port and the other is just for mice? WTF??? Now the representative never asked me if the iSight worked when the port stopped working. As a side note it does work.... so clearly the issue is actually with the USB port. He also never gave me the chance to test with a mouse. Then the call ended. And once again I ended up in tears.

Skip ahead to today. My wake up call is from executive relations. I wish I was recording that call! He told me that it is normal for that USB port to have issues with high powered devices and went on a speech about that. Hmm... doesn't that mean that Apple is making false promises on the USB port. I have the specifications and it says that any USB device can be used with it. And that doesn't explain why keyboards and mice don't work. I did test a USB mouse right after the call to tech support and *insert shocked look here* it didn't work. The mouse wasn't recognized either. So when I told Stuart that I was told I have to take the computer in to be examined. Now I called Microage and they have one Mac tech who is booked solid today and the rest of the week is hit or miss. Now I have no way to get to the Apple store so now I have very few options and feel like I am completely boxed in. Not only that but they want to test the drive to make sure it's not causing issues. Hmm.... the external drive is self powered so it's not even drawing power off the USB port. It is using the cable just for communication so there is no way that it can cause issues with the power. But whatever.... Now I have to jump through hoops to prove that the computer really is defective. This takes more of my time and energy. All this because the first agent didn't do their job properly and lied to me. Now I will continue to use Apple because I prefer the software but I am certainly not a happy Apple customer.

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