Monday, July 02, 2007

Wiped Right Out

Ever have one of those days/weeks/months where you just feel completely out of whack? That's me right now. I can't put my finger on why although it's likely just related to the whole chain of events. The last few weeks seem more like a soap opera then real life. So much drama. It really started at th beginning of June when I called tech support. Things had been going really well and life was on the way up. Then it rapidly went downhill with the way I was treated calling tech support. Then there was the fondue. Trying to get a replacement computer was like pulling teeth and caused a great deal of frustration. That just dragged on and took a toll on me. Last weekend I said it was like high school... yeah it only got worse from there. So still reeling from that and then to be troubleshooting the brand new computer. Turns out it really is DOA after all :( Oh yeah and now I am battling an infection. All I know is that I am tired all the time. I slept for 12 hours the other night... but that could also be stemming from the all nighter I decided to pull waiting for the computer. I'm hoping that things turn around and soon.

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