Saturday, October 20, 2007

Canadian Content

Some days I hate being Canadian. I can't download TV shows or movies from the iTunes music store. Granted that might actually be a good thing since it saves me money. I also can't go to CBS, ABC, NBC, or any other network and watch/download shows from them to watch later. It's my understanding that it has to do with Canadian content. To be available in Canada there has to be a certain amount of Canadian content. There aren't too many good Canadian shows. In fact for all the TV I currently watch in a week I think all the shows are US.

It doesn't end there however. Recently the Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada (or SOCAN) won a ruling that music downloads should be taxed to the tune of 3.1 cents per track if purchased individually and 1.5 cents per track if you purchase the entire album. They have also re-added a levy to digital audio players and to recordable media. Looks like they will also be taxing sites that offer temporary downloads and customizable radio stations.

In a nutshell the cost of downloading music is going up... since you can be sure that sites that allow you to purchase music will be increasing prices to accommodate the new tax. Not only are they adding a new tax but it is also going to be retroactive to 1996 when the music industry began pushing for the taxes.

To put this in perspective.... you purchase a CD from iTunes and pay an added tax for it. But then you want to put those songs on your iPod which you were also taxed on. Oh and how about burning it to a CD which you are also entitled to do. Yep you were taxed when you purchased those recordable disks just in case this is what you wanted to use it for. So now you have been taxed three times and this money is going to SOCAN. Wonder how much of that money is going to the artists.

3 cents isn't that big of a deal if it means that the artists get the money. But to be taxed more then once to be able to listen to that music.... well then it's getting to be a bit ridiculous. Tax it once and I might be understanding. Now they just seem greedy.

In a day and age when they are fighting a battle with piracy it seems like the wrong way to go. In Canada it is LEGAL to download all the music you want.... It might be a gray area but it is legal. Just don't upload it and you're all set. So if anything these increased taxes are just going to push more people to finding other ways to download their music... like torrents and other applications.

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