Monday, October 22, 2007

A Few Good Men (and Women)

My homepage is set to Yahoo and that tends to be where I get my news from. There is another way? So any ways.... today there was a story about becoming a condom tester fur Durex. Seems they are looking for 1,000 volunteers. I wonder if one of the questions on the application is how often you have sex. Since clearly that is a pre-requisite to becoming a tester.

I must say when I hear "condom tester" I wonder how much of it has to do with sensation and pleasure and how much has to do with testing the condoms out to discover failure rates. That's how they'll decide which new brands to introduce to the market. *lol*

In a statement Durex said, "Applicants will be asked a series of questions to make sure they are a good fit for this dream job." Now are they getting paid for this? Since it's a job that involves having sex. So... if they are getting paid to test the condoms then they would be getting paid to have sex? Isn't there another name for that? Oh yeah.... I believe it's called prostitution.

I was going to make some gender comment about them limiting it for men but the article on Yahoo was a little misleading. It is open to women too. So I can scratch that whole thought. So if you are up for the challenge click here to apply.

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