Thursday, October 11, 2007

Election Results

So now that the dust has settled and Ontario has voted it seems that the Liberals have another majority government which is what was predicted. I am not sure if it was won based on actual platforms, attacking the opponents or because of a mistake made by the Conservatives. There is no question that the decision to provide funding to faith based schools caused some flak but then to rescind that platform halfway through might have been an even bigger mistake.

I question whether or not you can truly call it a democracy however. Take my local riding for instance. Only 59% of voters even turned out. And of those 59% 48% voted for the Liberal candidate. So really only 28% of the people in Petborough actually voted for him. Does that mean that he really represents Peterborough? More like he represents about half the people who bothered to get off their ass and vote.

What makes it even sadder is that this is not just a local problem. Only 51.4% of eligible voters went to the polls and cast a ballot. So when the Liberals achieved their majority government they really only represent about 25% of the entire population. Something seems kind of wrong with that picture and with our sense of democracy. The Liberals are cheering their victory and having a majority government but they should really be concerned with the level of voter apathy.

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