Saturday, March 15, 2008

Better Late then Never

Seems I missed Self-Injury Awareness Day (SIAD). My bad. Better late then never, right? I do want to bring attention to this topic as I feel it is important. So March 1 was actually the day designed to bring awareness to what is still a virtually unknown, or taboo subject. I never said I was going to make people comfortable or shy away from difficult topics. Just look at the right hand side. I have links already to all my posts on the subject.

On a related note I am very saddened at the moment. The other day I lost my orange and white bracelet. I ransacked the apartment but to no avail. Now we're talking like $2 in beads but that's not the point. I am so not the arts & crafts type and can see me getting really frustrated trying to tie the knot in it. Aside from when I broke the first one it has not left my wrist in 2 years. So I am pretty devestated over it.

It's not that I think I am going to go back to the self-injury because I don't have it. I just used it to remind myself each morning that it was one more day. It's like any addiction. You have to acknowledge each day the accomplishment that comes from making it through another day. And when things were tough I would look at the bracelet and remind myself that I was stronger then that and that recovery was a lifetime process. I already tried looking on eBay for a replacement and the place where I bought it from in the first place but they are sold out. It's a sad day... especially since it's supposed to be the month of awareness. What do I do... lose the bracelet. So much for that thought.


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