Saturday, March 08, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Back around groundhog's day I was ready for winter to end. It has been a long winter with a lot of snow. I was hoping for spring. Now here we are and it's like a blizzard outside. For most of the night at work I was sitting there looking out the window, just waiting for the snow to start. Fortunately, it really didn't start until after I got home from work. At 7:00 in the morning I was wishing I had my camera though. It was like the calm before the storm. The streets were deserted and it looked extremely peaceful. But everything was covered in snow. Reminded me of a winter wonderland.

I've heard estimates as high as 50 centimetres which is 4 feet of snow.... More likely there will be about 2 feet of snow. That's just craziness. It's March. And I don't want to see 4 feet (or even 2 feet) of snow in an entire winter... let alone in one day. I am currently watching the snowfall and hoping that I am able to make it to work tonight.

Hmmm... apparently I forgot to post this.... Still hoping to make it into work tonight. It all depends on my ride being able to make it here. Well the tricky part is actually clearing the snow off the car and being able to get out of the parking lot where he works. Something tells me that it's going to be a skeleton crew at work tonight and super busy.

The good news... an hour less at work tonight since the clocks go ahead partway through my shift. Well I suppose that's also bad news since it means an hour less in pay.

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