Friday, March 21, 2008

One Year Later

I meant to write this yesterday and actually assumed I was going to have time to write it last night but since I didn't wake up until midnight guess not. So yesterday marked the 1 year anniversary of being fired. Fortunately, I had yesterday off so there was no chance that history was about to repeat itself. Not that I figured it would be... nor am I really superstitious... but I'd still rather not take that chance.

What a year. It has certainly had it's moments and been a trying year. Something about being unemployed.... taking on a corporation.... finding a new job.... and now here we are. The important part is that I made it through. I survived the year. I'm sure that I could give the breakdown of the entire year and relive the whole thing but I'm not sure that it would be all that beneficial. Suffice to say that I took what I could out of it and am moving on with my life.

Right now I am enjoying a 3 day weekend. When I planned for a long weekend I didn't even realize that it was the Easter weekend. So I am losing the extra hours... I still get paid for today. So that is just fine by me. It's all about the peace and quiet... and getting back to the place where the Fibro isn't flaring up and causing a great deal of pain.

The hard part about life these days... aside from the reduction in pay... is that I work midnights. Definitely not an easy shift to be on. It's often difficult to go to sleep in the middle of the day and then be up all night. For as many channels as I might have with the cable there really isn' a whole lot on at night.

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