Friday, March 21, 2008

What am I Paying for?

The other day I was out running errands. Like to get them done before my days off. The guy from Cogeco called... Not the tech support guy but from their CR department or corporate or whatever. He asked me how I was doing and my response was, "I'd be doing better if my cable was working." Alan was under the impression that they had resolved the issue when they were out back on the 9th. He was a little surprised to discover that they had come out twice and given me the same answer that they gave me almost two years ago... that it was a problem between my apartment and the 8th floor. Well it's one thing to tell me that... but they did nothing about it. No follow-up or anything. I just hadn't gotten around to calling and harassing them yet. So I was promised an answer within 48 hours.

Low and behold tech support calls me the next day. First she explains that it's a problem with damaged cable between my apartment and the 8th floor. I know that already. So then she launches into this long winded explanation of how they will likely have to re-wire it and how they're not sure how they will get that done... as if I'm inconveniencing them. I pay $120 month for cable and internet... Really I just want what I am paying for. It's not like I damaged the cables or caused this. So yes I am sorry that it means extra work for you but it's not my problem. So then she had to arrange a time for a repair guy and the supervisor to come out to "assess it." So that means I have to make sure that I am off my call and home as soon as possible. It means that I have to be home all morning... So they're not the only ones that are inconvenienced. And I already know that this won't be the end of it. They still have to identify exactly what needs to be done in order to rectify it. Then come back and do it.

I highly doubt that they are even going to offer any type of compensation over the whole thing. Likely I will have to fight them for it. At least that's what I am predicting. I don't like fighting all that much... especially in a case like this where the compensation should be automatic. First, and foremost though, I'd like it to be fixed... so I can watch all the channels that I am paying for and record all my shows.

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