Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Free for the Taking... or Maybe Not

More news here.... Also from Yahoo. I was reading about a hoax on Craigslist and it is kind of scary. Someone posted an ad on Craigslist indicating that the owner had to leave the area suddenly and all the belongings were free for the taking. Too bad the owner really wasn't leaving town. He came back to people loading their cars full of his stuff. Even had to fight with some of them that it was his stuff and that he wasn't leaving. Really brings to light the mentality that if it's on the internet it must be true. Gotta wonder just how much he pissed someone off for them to do that. Makes me want to make sure that I do not piss anyone off that much.


  1. Anonymous6:42 p.m.

    But do you really have enough stuff for people to make off with, excluding your Mac and PS3? ;-) I know, I'd better be careful that I don't piss you off. :-)

  2. You forgot my sound system :P Maybe not as much as the guy in Oregon with his horse.... And hey if someone is going to take everything at least leave me my cat!
