Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Water, Water Everywhere

But not a drop to drink... I was checking out the news the other day and they had an article on the drinking water. In 15 southern Ontario municipalities they found traces of painkillers and other drugs. Samples taken from downstream of a sewage outfall were the most contaminated while samples taken from lakes had low but still detectable level of the drugs. In samples taken from wells they did not find any traces of the drugs. The article went on to say that sewage treatment plants are not designed to remove drugs. Now since some of the drugs they were testing for were painkillers does that mean I don't need a prescription or to buy some Advil? Maybe I should just pour a glass of tap water.... Mmmm tasty....

Almost makes me want to buy bottled water actually. But then a lot of companies claim you're getting pure water... when really it's no better then tap water. In some cases it really is tap water. *Cough* Dasani *Cough, Cough* Kind of makes me want to pick up my nice, shiny red can then since at least then it has all kinds of other additives and I know what I am getting into.

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