Thursday, February 09, 2006

Light of Day

For the first time in over a month I actually was outside in the morning... even better I was awake during the morning hours. Steve said Tammy was brave for daring to wake me up in the morning. I'll be the first to admit that I am not a morning person and since I am currently not at work I have no reason to be up. My first day shift is going to be rough. So I saw daylight for a little while. Then I went back to bed. I didn't get much sleep last night. I didn't take my medication since I knew I wasn't getting 8 hours of sleep so I really paid the price for it.

Azrael snubbed me when I did get home this morning. After spending the night at Tammy's he wanted his revenge... that lasted all of 10 minutes, which is an eternity in the memory of a cat. Then he was back to wanting love and adoration. He even decided my stomach made a good pillow. Yep back to his usual self.

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