Saturday, April 01, 2006


So this is the weekend I'm moving. Well officially I am not moving until Monday so I guess this is the time for packing. I hate packing. The worst part is that I am only moving up a floor. I have mixed emotions about it. This is the 4th time I'll have moved since I got to Peterborough. I always thought that when I finished school I would stop moving annually. So I would really like to stop that trend and just settle in somewhere. I am excited about moving back to my own place... just me and Azrael. It has been a long time since I had my own place. I'm not completely against having a roommate but it's also not all it is cracked up to be. Jarratt was a roommate out of convenience and we didn't have that many common interests. Steve... well... what can I say about that one? I can only handle him in small doses as it is. As a roommate it was even more challenging. At least Jarratt would go out for a night and give me some space.

The other drawback to moving is that I am still not 100%. I'm not coughing any more but I am still incredibly fatigued. I can be active for an hour, maybe 2, and then just feel completely drained. Fortunately most of my stuff was packed but it still sucks. The lymph nodes in my neck seem to be swollen and the muscles in my jaw keep clenching. I think that once I get the move done and over with and can relax then I will really start feeling better.

There has been a lot of changes at work as well. They did away with the team leader position by restructuring the team manager role. We went from about 22 teams to 11 so they basically doubled in size. Instead of there being a team leader and then a team manager above the team leader there will just be team managers. This also means that some of the current team leaders are no longer with the company... opting to pursue other opportunities instead of taking on a different position when not hired for the team manager spot. As a performance coach the changes do mean some added responsibilities and some more stress. Over all nothing major though. I can still handle it. There was also a chance to apply for a leadership position where you would be an acting team manager as needed. Too bad I had the two verbal warnings before my LOA so for the next 5 months I am ineligible to apply for any position. I have to go 6 months without any disciplnary action before I can go anywhere. So far it's going okay.

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