Thursday, August 03, 2006

Niagara Falls... The Update

Okay so I might as well update that one... now that I have something to report. My name was not put forward for team leader in Niagara Falls. It's only been 5 months since the LOA and while Christie said it is a night and day difference (which is good) they want me to wait a couple of months to really "prove myself" for lack of a better word. And as difficult as that was to hear I understand it. I was sort of expecting something like that... since 5 months isn't that long a time. I have come a long way and will continue to work hard. Christie is also going to be involving me in more of the team manager stuff so that I can get some experience and become comfortable with the position. So I m cool with that. I love my job (most days) and am all for showing that I can do the job. It took me three tries to get Performance Coach. I could have got discouraged and stopped trying... but I wanted the position so I kept at it. Pat gave me a big compliment the other day. She said that she han't considered me competition for the TL position. Normally that wouldn't be a compliment. But her rationale was that she had actually assumed we would both get it. The good news is that since the site is just opening and it's just the first group of people being hired it is pretty much a guarentee that they will be hiring again... and by then I should be able to apply for it.

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