Saturday, October 28, 2006

I Made It

At the beginning of the month I wasn't sure what was going to happen. Pat was leaving which meant I was going to be picking up the slack. Sure we are supposed to work together as a team. I'm a little jaded though and I suspected I would largely be doing it all myself. I'm the kind of person that is just going to get it done and will step up to make sure it happens. But with me being on vacation at one point... and just with the sheer workload there were definitely times I had my doubt. It was easy enough just to get overwhelmed with the number of calls I had to listen to... let alone all the other job responsibilities I have: meetings, training, etc. But it's all about persevering... and even when it looked doubtful I just kept going. I don't know the meaning of the word failure. When I left tonight 97 out of 98 of the call evaluations had been done. There are other teams that haven't had the same struggle that aren't that close to meeting the mandate. Now you might be thinking I failed... but a) it wasn't my fault that evaluation wasn't done and b) it is a 5 week month so I will get it done on Monday or Tuesday. I'd say I have a lot to be proud of. I feel pretty good about it...

Of course now that it's over I am also pretty tired.... I don't think I realized just how much it took out of me until I got home tonight. All I wanted to do was curl up and go to sleep. But I was going grocery shopping so I couldn't. Looks like tomorrow I am going to be KO'd and not doing much. Since I pushed myself really hard I wouldn't be surprised if there is a fibromyalgia flare up. I still don't do so well at pacing myself.

The important thing is that I can sleep tomorrow *lol* Well that and I really showed that I can do the job and won't crack under pressure. I always knew that I had a strong work ethic. The really good news is that it's no longer just me, myself and I either. As of Monday I will have help. And I have a lot of respect for the new Performance Coach. After all he's been a part of the team then longer then I have been and has been the go-to guy. It's looking up already :o)

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