Friday, February 02, 2007


Am I cursed? I am beginning to think so. I just paid $20 to put a stop payment on my loan with the Royal Bank so that they wouldn't take the payment. I check my bank balance this morning and the payment had been taken out. So I have just had $500 taken out of my account to pay for my student loans... and was already told that my interest relief had gone through. Now I'm going to have to call the bank to get that reversed and hope that it can be done quickly... since right now I have no money to live on. I have enough to cover rent... and maybe buy some groceries and that's it. But I don't want to not be paying my bills either since that adds up rather quickly and you start getting some nasty phone calls. *Sigh* I hate it when it's pay day and you realize that you're still behind the 8-ball. Do I have a sign that says kick me?

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