Friday, May 25, 2007

Life in the Ghetto

Back to life in the ghetto. No bugs any more which is a plus. But the heating and air quality is still a big issue. Right now the humidity is around 55%. I have turned the heat off but since I have very little control over it the heat is still at 80 degrees. That is with the balcony door wide open and the bedroom window open as well. I've given up on the heat ever being fixed. All I can hope for is that Steve brings me an air conditioner soon so that I can cool the place down. The heat is causing the Fibromyalgia to flare up.

The people above me are also throwing stuff off the balcony. Cigarette butts are bad for a number of reasons. For one if they are still lit someone could get burnt. Even without that I take Azrael outside and really don't want him eating them. Toxic chemicals aren't good for humans.... they're also not good for cats. On Tuesday, just before I went to the hospital, I looked outside in time to see my balcony get soaked with a bucket of water. That was the last straw. I went down to complain. After all, I could've been outside and gotten wet. More importantly, I could've been outside with the MacBook Pro. I have a right to take the computer outside without worrying about what someone else is going to throw off their balcony.

I don't think I have had so many issues in an apartment as I do here. I like the layout here but they certainly don't repair things in an efficient manner. I try and avoid the superintendents at all costs. There are two reasons I don't want to move. For one, I definitely don't have first and last. I have already had to put off getting my tattoo until I have an actual job again. Secondly, I do not want to get stuck in another lease. It frees up more options by not being locked in a lease. But for the price I pay here I would expect a little more.

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