Sunday, May 27, 2007

Quiet Day

Today was a quiet day. I finally took it easy and rested. I am so used to having all kinds of things to do and felt like I should be making work for myself. Instead I ended up finishing the book You, Inc. which I recommend to anyone that struggles with making an impression and wants to be able to sell themselves. I mean, we all sell ourselves to other people.... The book is teaches you how to do it better. And it seems I should not have looked at Amazon for it.... I could have got it for $10 less then what I paid at Chapters. Even the shipping would not account for the difference.

Now while I was trying to read that Azrael pulled his usual trick of curl up on mommy since she makes a good pillow. Next thing I know he's sprawled out across my stomach and arm. And he was lying on his back so he just looked super cute and adorable. Who could resist that face. Took him two hours to decide that whatever was going on outside might be fun and he should investigate that. He does a fantastic job of ensuring that I rest and relax on occasion. As a side note I weighed him the other day. Azrael is now up to 15 pounds. He's a big boy and I think he is feeling the heat in the apartment since he's even more lazy then usual. Can't say I blame him since it's about 80 degrees in here.

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