Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Crawl into a Little Hole

Right about now I just want to put a "Do not Disturb" sign on the door and just hide for a few days. I don't want to deal with people at all. I think everything is just starting to affect me right now. I had to push myself incredibly hard last month so our team would meet the mandate and I haven't slowed down since then. This is pretty close to the time I started smoking again last time around and with the stress level I am feeling the cravings and the withdrawal. If it was just me and Azrael for a few days I just might be able to relax and not have so much negative energy. I'm like a bear... I just need to hibernate and recharge. Of course I've said that before and the time off didn't help. Hell I had 2 months off and I felt like I needed another vacation shortly after I came back. But with some rest... maybe this quote from Queer as Folk would be true:

Emmett: My flame has been rekindled and is burning brighter than ever.

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