Monday, June 09, 2008

Facts About Fibromyalgia

I keep seeing the ads for Lyrica and for the web site MyFibroRelief. Now the second web site is really just a way to introduce you to the disorder and to try and get you to ask your doctor for Lyrica. Generally I prefer I web site that is not quite as biased and not presented by a pharmaceutical company but it was still informative and I wanted to pass on some of the information.

Fibromyalgia Facts
  1. Fibromyalgia is one of the most common chronic widespread types of pain in the U.S. The condition affects millions of people.
  2. Fibromyalgia pain is widespread and persistent. There is often muscle tenderness. Plus soreness or burning pain. Which often causes a lack of sleep. Sometimes, patients also have stiffness in their muscles or flu-like aching.
  3. Fibromyalgia is thought to result from neurological changes in how a patient perceives pain.
  4. To be diagnosed with fibromyalgia, patients must have widespread pain lasting at least three months. Plus pain in at least 11 of 18 parts of the body known as "tender points" (according to the American College of Rheumatology).
  5. Women are much more likely to report having fibromyalgia than men. 80% to 90% of those diagnosed are women. Although both men and women can experience fibromyalgia.
  6. The outlook for people with fibromyalgia has never been better. Exercise, diet and rest can help manage this condition. So can counseling and medication.
  7. Several types of health care providers are available to help manage fibromyalgia. These include rheumatologists, primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, neurologists, psychiatrists, physiatrists and pain specialists.
  8. Fibromyalgia may place large financial costs on patients and society. It may cause lost work days. And lost income and disability payments.
  9. As with other chronic pain conditions, fibromyalgia is not a psychological condition, it can impact mood and cause distress. In that way it is similar to other chronic pain conditions. However, the majority of sufferers do not have mood-related disorders.
The main reason that I wanted to post this information is for point #9. While growing up I was repeatedly told that the pain was simply growing pains and would disappear.... even after I stopped growing. When I was in London I was referred to a rheumatologist and after 18 years finally got the diagnosis. Then I moved to Peterborough and it was like a trip back in time. I was told that I would never get treated for it here. When I was on an LOA from work I was told Fibromyalgia doesn't exist and was all in my head. I was told that it was a symptom o a psychiatric disorder and as a result was put on the wrong medication... They were treating depression... Too bad I wasn't suffering from depression. So to see the point made that it is NOT a psychological condition makes me feel validated. And I want to emphasize that to others who may know someone with Fibromyalgia or may be suffering themselves.

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