This picture was taken the other day. I thought it was cute that he was holding my hand. Sorry but the cell phone doesn't take the best pictures. They're decent... but nothing special. Any ways when Suzanne and Dave came down over Christmas I was asked if he was losing weight. Now I had been wondering that before but it really hadn't been noticeable. So I weighed him and sure enough he was losing weight. Then, me being me, I started to panic. After all none of my cats ever seem to live past the age of 3 (as an update he just turned 4... Happy Birthday Azrael) plus he had never really lost weight before. Now when Tigger was sick I knew it. For one, he ran away from home. Then when we got him back he didn't eat and pretty well didn't move. I knew something was seriously wrong there. But with Azrael aside from the fact he wasn't eating as much he seemed to be perfectly healthy. He was still as loveable as ever, still playing with his bear, and still grooming himself. He was as playful and active as ever. Not that he ever really was active. His coat still looks healthy and his eyes are bright and shiny. So then I realized that Iams had changed their formula in the cat food. So maybe he doesn't care about his teeth and the new dental formula. I tried the old stuff and while he definitely preferred that he still didn't seem to be eating all that much. I tried wet cat food. He preferred the Iams. I tried kitten food. He preferred his adult food. Maybe he is just adjusting to me being back to work and me working midnights. Cats don't exactly like change. or maybe he is healthy and I am just being over-concerned. Right now he is wagging his tail at me. Azrael is still happy so I guess that is what is important.
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