Monday, May 29, 2006

Weekend of Nothingness

Sometimes nothing is a good word. That would about sum up my weekend. No commitments... no responsibilities.... just nothingness. It's been great so far and I still have another day to go. Okay so I have laundry to do but that really doesn't require much. Just sleep and R&R. Azrael is also getting plenty of attention. I really needed the 3 days off to unwind. I've had a lot of one day weekends recently. I've also had a lot of stress with work and trying to meet the mandate. And with another performance coach that refuses to accept help. Then there is my health. Fatigue... and then the nerve damage from the doctor. So I am very happy to have time off. Next week I am also on nights so I should be a little more rested. It is such a change for me. I am so used to being busy all the time. I don't do so well at relaxing. I always want to be doing something. But it's nice to be able to just watch tv and curl up with Azrael. On Tuesday I can see me not wanting to go into work... but since I am not a millionaire I will be heading back. Since Pat is back and the aces are under control work is relaxing for the most part. Sure it's not always like that... that's why it's called work but I am enjoying it a lot more then I was in the past. Now back to the TV.... and maybe even some more time with Azrael before I head off to bed. It's all about the nothingness.

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