Wednesday, May 31, 2006


For the last couple of weeks I seem to be hungry all the time. And as a result end up feeling lightheaded periodically. Ordinarily I would say that is a good thing. But I'm not gaining any weight. I don't have the opportunity to eat 5 meals a day either. That's about what it would take. So now I am wondering if it's my metabolism or an issue with my thyroid. This seems to be a new development. It would be nice if I actually gained some weight in this process.

Take today for example. I slept in, like usual so no chance of breakfast. Aside from weekends when I sleep until noon I'm not sure I ever have breakfast. So that's not unusual. Then off to the dentist. Through the course of the day I had 3 cans of Coke. I had a sandwich partway through the day with cold cuts, bacon, cheese and lettuce. When I got home I had a bacon wrapped chicken breast, rice and corn. I was still hungry so I made myself a Carnation Instant Breakfast. But I am still hungry. Too lazy to make anything now since I'll be going to bed shortly. But I don't get it. Why am I still hungry? There were times when I still lived on Hunter St that the only meal I had was dinner. Now that didn't happen all that often. At least there were times I actually felt full there. It kind of sucks to be hungry all the time. If you've got any ideas I am open to suggestions.

I do realize that it might be related to the fact I quit smoking. So I don't have the nicotine acting as an appetite suppresent. But I was going through this before I actually quit smoking. That just didn't help me. Like I said, I am open to suggestions.... as long as they're not way out in left field, or involve seafood any ways.

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