Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Some days I feel like I am a doormat.... someone to be used and abused and just taken advantage of. Why? Because I don't stand up for myself. Right now I feel like certain people are just walking all over me and don't think twice. It's an extremely frustrating place to be.

First there is the superintendent. It seems like they want me to take legal action. They seem to think I will just be complacent and not do anything. After all... I have just written letter after letter so far in spite of the fact they have not fixed the heat in here. I shouldn't have to live like this. After all I am paying for rent. I should have the repairs done in a timely matter instead of having the superintendent taking advantage of the fact I am a peacemaker. I don't want to make waves. I want it to be fixed but I have a tough time getting confrontational and forcing the issue. I can't seem to stand up for myself and my rights.

But it's not just the apartment... SS does the same thing to me.... Back in October (or somewhere around there) I had to turn the air conditioner off because it wasn't working properly. Ever since he has been promising to take it out but always has 101 excuses. I think it's just to keep inviting himself over. But it lets in quite a draft in the bedroom. Not that long ago it was covered in snow and ice. Needless to say I want it out of my bedroom, and out of my apartment. But he keeps stalling... It's not helping the heat or the humidity issue. So I keep asking him to take it out... and it doesn't get done. I hate unreliable people and I really don't like nagging. Again I don't want to get confrontational. I don't want to see him angry or risk pissing him off.

*Sigh* I really need to develop a backbone and not try to be the peacemaker. It's not getting me any more except more stressed and frustrated.

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