Monday, April 30, 2007
Stereotypes in Advertising
The other commercial that bothers me is the one for Swiss Chalet. A teenage girl is asking for her curfew to be changed. Only her father seems to have the power to change her curfew. Seems to be a throwback to a patriarchal society.
I am always fascinated by commercials and the marketing that is involved in them. Obviously, they are designed to make you want to buy a product or service. It has to be catchy and emphasize the brand so that it stands out to you and makes you feel a connection. And then there are commercials that do the opposite. Of course I am also interested in product placement but that is a whole other topic of conversation.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Why Do I Know More Then the People Dealing with My Student Loan
At one point I mentioned the loan with the Royal Bank. His response was that I should contact them to see what they can do for me... Is there anyone that works there that really knows how this works? I can't apply for interest relief through the Royal Bank because the government stepped in and determined that it would all be handled by the National Student Loans Center. Unfortunately they don't seem to know this. This has been my ongoing fight for the last year. They seem to forget that loans that were negotiated before 2000 are added to the loans with the National Student Loans Center and the two combined are used to determine the maximum allowable income. How difficult is this concept? I am also concerned that I will be approved for interest relief and it won't end up applying to the Royal Bank loan. My question is... why didn't they consolidate the loans so that I only owed one source and it was easier to work with? I guess that would be too easy now wouldn't it?
So there is some good news in there... but also some news that is a little more unsettling. I really don't have the energy to keep fighting them. It seems to take up so much time and energy each time they make a mistake. But hopefully I will at least get the 5 months with no payments. That would at least make my life a little easier at the moment. Then I could breathe a sigh of relief.
Fire Alarm, Part 2
As soon as the alarm started going off Azrael ran away. He went to hide in my closet where he couldn't hear the alarm. As for me... the adrenaline really kicked in. I was hoping that it was just a false alarm but couldn't be sure. So I grabbed my keys, cell phone and wallet... Put on a thicker sweatshirt and headed out the door. No I didn't take Azrael with me. I thought about it but knew that it was likely a false alarm. I also knew that if it was a fire it was a gamble. He wouldn't take well to me trying to get him into the carrier... and the sound of the alarm had already spooked him. And if I didn't use the cat carrier he'd be gone. So I made the decision not to take him but was praying that it wasn't a real fire and that he would be fine.
The adrenaline is probably a good thing... It meant that I wasn't paying attention to the 5 flights of stairs as I ran down them. I always find the reaction to a fire alarm interesting when you live in an apartment building. My thought is always that there is about an 80% chance that it is a false alarm and 20% chance that it is real. Now last time around I didn't want to leave and, based on the conditioning that in my last apartment it went off all the time, I didn't immediately leave.... until I realized that it was a real fire. But typically I don't want to gamble with the possibility that it's real. Yes the odds are that it isn't and going outside is a waste of time... other then it means you don't have to listen to the alarm. But what if it's real?
All the way down the stairs I didn't see anyone. When I reached the door there was a lady standing there with her kid. After a 5 minute conversation I decided to make my way outside since I was not comfortable being inside the building with the alarm going off. Sure you are at an advantage being right at the door... but you are still in the building... Last time I checked you should be quite a ways away from the building so that if there is debris or fire that you are safe. I walked around the back of the building and didn't see anyone. Not a soul. So then I walked around the front of the building. At most there were about 20 people out there. There are something like 96 apartments in the building... and only 20 people bothered to leave.
As I watched there were people that took the elevator. Then there were people that stayed on the first floor which again defeats the purpose. And as I looked up there were people on the balcony of their second and third floor apartments so they didn't have to listen to the alarm going off. Again I don't understand why people don't weigh the risks and rather then take chances don't just leave the building, with the stairs.
We did get 2 fire trucks and the command truck out. Pretty good response time too. For those that are wondering I have no idea if the firemen were good looking. Once again it was 3:00 in the morning and I was a little tired. I was more interested in getting back inside and worrying about Azrael.
Fortunately it was a false alarm and after about a half hour we were allowed back in the building. The first thing I did was go find Azrael, who was hiding in my closet. He quickly became the happy cat again. Unfortunately my IQ test had timed out so I had to retake it. Now I am not sure how accurate the results are at 4:00 in the morning *LOL* But it said I had an IQ of 130. It took a long time for the adrenaline to wear off... and to finish the test... so I didn't end up going to bed until 6:00 a.m. Good thing I didn't have to be up early today.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Fingers Crossed About EI
There is another reason that I am hoping to qualify for EI. They pay for retraining and courses. Originally I was thinking about taking a computer securities course at Fleming. But 3 years for a diploma really didn't seem all that appealing. I can get another degree in 2 because I can fast-track a lot of the electives. That got me looking elsewhere and thinking about other degrees. I have always been interested in the media studies program at Western but figured I should actually go with something that will pay the bills in the end and isn't just something that while I have an interest in... may never make money with. After all to date that has been what my current degree has done for me. But while I was at Western's web site I somehow found my way to the graduate studies courses. And while there I came across the Master of Education (Counselling Psychology). My GPA is there but I don't have the experience or volunteer work that they are looking for. It was my starting point... but since it would take a year before I could even apply I had to look elsewhere. And that was when I found it... I came across Yorkville University in New Brunswick. They offer a Master of Arts (Counselling Psychology). Even better... it is all online. That's right... the courses are offered online. You focus on one course at a time and the entire program takes 20 months to complete, including a practicum. Now I can already hear the skepticism. They take your money and you get a worthless degree... It is a recognized university by the Government in New Brunswick. AND you can get OSAP to attend. Well you could if I didn't have so many issues with my student loan. Now I do need 2 references which might be tricky since I was fired from my last job. But I will worry about that later.
Step 1... Get approved for EI. Step 2... Apply for funding for retraining and then Step 3... See what happens. Now I would expect that I would have to at least partially pay for the education but since it is online you can work while going to school. And I do have my RRSPs. Ideally I would not have to touch them but all things considered it would be a worthwhile investment in my own future. For now I have my fingers crossed that I can make it past Step 1.
The Unemployment Line
One part of me just wanted to put it out of my mind and move on but there was another part of me that felt wronged and wanted to see justice done. So a lot of time was also spent doing everything I could to make a stand. No one can say that I did nothing. There have been some small victories but only time will tell who is victorious. I would go into more detail but I still have to maintain a certain element of secrecy... at least as far as public announcements go. You can feel free to ask if you really want to know.
Throughout it all my identity was still fused with the company. My focus seemed to be on wanting my job back. In spite of it all I was willing to go back and resume my position. I think someone really needed to smack me upside the head. No matter how many times someone would tell me that I was better then that and could find something that was healthier for me I still had it in my head that I wanted to go back. What was I thinking?
As far as the job hunting goes it was pretty discouraging. Peterborough is known for low wages and BS jobs. Sure I applied for the other call centers but truth be told I didn't want to hear back from them. I just spent 4 years working at a call center. I didn't want the hassle of going to another one. The headache would be the same. I'd even be working with some of my old co-workers. Now that sounds appealing. And they definitely don't pay you enough to make ends meet, let alone start paying back my student loan. But I was beginning to think this is where I was headed.
Now I have changed that mind set completely. I had avoided buying any books on job hunting because I didn't have the money. But... at the end of the day that money is an investment in me and my future. So yesterday I went down to Chapters and bought "What Color is Your Parachute" and "Do What You Are". I laughed when I saw the job positions for an INFP: Counsellor, Coach, Minister, Writer... All the things I've been told throughout my life.
I feel like I have this great opportunity. I don't feel trapped into finding a job just for the income. I feel like I can do whatever I want and am not limited. When I was working I stuck it out for the pay cheque. 4 years in a toxic work environment because it meant I had a steady income. But now I am focusing on what I want to do... I've also started to see job ads that actually interest me... like employment counsellor. So things are looking up. And this is my time!
Tattoo Currently on Hold
Monday, April 23, 2007
Tattoo Update
High on Medication
Friday, April 20, 2007
No News Isn't Good News
But I got out of bed to go see my family, in spite of how tired I was. I was starving since I had been up for most of the night and wanted a bagel. So I asked mom about stopping by Timmy's. She really didn't want to stop there. Then got kind of hostile about how long it took. I got my ass out of bed... all I wanted to do was sleep... Have the decency to let me get my breakfast. I've barely been eating lately as it is. Needless to say even though I got my bagel I really didn't enjoy it. And that set the tone for the rest of the day. I don't think mom had anything good to say.... I mean she may not have been negative throughout the day... although she definitely did have a few moments there. But she certainly wasn't positive... at least not towards me.
Before people start thinking my day was brutal it wasn't. I think I needed a night of no sleep to try and jumpstart my sleeping again. Hopefully tonight I can get some rest and some sleep and go to bed earlier then I have been. And I got to see my sister and my niece. Now both of them were clearly under the weather but it was still nice to see them. That made up for the rest of the day. :)
Death, Destruction & Mayhem
- Dante Alighieri
The recent shootings at Virginia Tech are just the tip of the iceberg. 33 dead in a situation that points to poor communication... chaos... and tragedy. The media was quick to point out that the gunman had spent time in a mental institution. But from what I could tell by the article he was suicidal at the time. It is sad and it raises the question of whether or not more gun control would be a good thing. Either that or in the States it just gets more publicity. I refused to watch CNN because I knew they would be showing round the clock coverage and we would all see the carnage. It's the publics morbid curiousity and to some it fosters the idea that if they do this then they will have their 15 minutes of fame. They will be notorious. So, is the publicity really such a good thing?
And speaking of the media... why is it so big when something happens in the states and no one cares when it happens elsewhere. It does.... every day. There is senseless violence all over the world but because it happens somewhere else it does not get the same news coverage. So while you're thinking about all the people who died in that senseless tragedy think also of the people that have lost their lives and no one notices.
But it's not just in these major acts that violence is rampant... It's in everyday life. I live in a small, conservative town. I think I should use the word conservative loosely however. There are many people here who go to church on Sunday and then are out dealing drugs, carrying weapons, and getting in fights the rest of the week. What kind of message does that send? There are certainly unsavoury elements here, and ties to organized crime. There is a rather large drug underworld just beneath the surface. I live in an apartment building and it's not uncommon to come home at night and find the cops here. A while back my neighbours door was removed with a police battering ram. I felt safer on the streets in London, Ontario then I do here. And considering it's a small town it shouldn't be like that.
And it leaves me with the question, Where is God in all this?
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Student Loan Nightmare
Here's the problem... My loan is now behind. I was hoping they would be able to rectify the situation quickly but I guess that was asking for a bit much. So they are now destroying my credit rating. I just got a notice today that I owe them $1200 and am 3 months behind. Now in January I was on interest relief. Since the payments come out at the end of the month I should only be 2 months behind. Even being 2 months behind stresses me out.
Obviously since I am unemployed I can't afford to bring it up to date. Once again I am caught in a catch-22 situation. Right now I would qualify for interest relief but I would need to bring the loan up to date. If it goes to collections then I really won't qualify for interest relief. It's extremely frustrating because I know I should qualify for interest relief. So I am being penalized for their mistakes.
Why does it have to be such a nightmare to get the interest relief? I go through the same fight every single time I apply. And when I first apply it takes a month for them to make a decision. Last time it only took a week (maybe two) before the denial was reversed because when I called in they contacted the appeals department on my behalf. Too bad the interest relief only went through for a month since, for some reason, the bank is ahead of the national student loan center and I had used up my interest relief there. I was told the next time I applied I would be on extended interest relief with the bank. So I reapplied with basically the exact same information as was approved the month before and was denied again. This time it has been over a month and still no word at all, just 2 notices that I am behind. We're now halfway through the third month that I should be on interest relief so at this rate by the time they have it sorted out the interest relief will have run out and I'll be back to fighting them all over again.
I have no idea what to do at this point... I can't afford to pay it, and even if I could would not get the money back. I just want it resolved. Is that really so much to ask? Anyone got any recommendations?
Syntax - Destiny
This is my Destiny only child
come on and rescue me 'cos I'm wild
this is my selection when I'm sure
not looking for deception like before
Beautiful creation I adore
this sensation never.. felt before
How can I change the path that I'm on
this is my Destiny
this is my life my own right or wrong
bring it on back to me
How can I say what it is that I want
wisdom speak to me
Life your sweet then the moment is gone
This is my Destiny
This is my intention hear me now
don't need correction please me how
breaking out the institution crazy law
aint no complication live for more
This is my Destiny only child
come on and rescue me 'cos I'm wild
How can I change the path that I'm on
this is my Destiny
this is my life my own right or wrong
bring it on back to me
How can I say what it is that I want
wisdom speak to me
Life your sweet then the moment is gone
This is my Destiny...
This is my Destiny...
Only child, only child
Come on and rescue me
'Cos I'm wild...
And I'm wild (x5)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Forced Relaxation

I took this picture earlier today. Azrael was being super cute and nestled right in with me. He likes forcing me to relax and take some time away from the computer or any of the other jobs that I might have to do. And sometimes that is exactly what I need. I am always multi-tasking and trying to get too much done. Azrael helps me to take care of myself. So I thought I'd share the picture of the experience.
Sound Like Anyone You Know?
"INFPs, more than other iNtuitive Feeling types, are focused on making the world a better place for people. Their primary goal is to find out their meaning in life. What is their purpose? How can they best serve humanity in their lives? They are idealists and perfectionists, who drive themselves hard in their quest for achieving the goals they have identified for themselves.
INFPs are highly intuitive about people. They rely heavily on their intuitions to guide them, and use their discoveries to constantly search for value in life. They are on a continuous mission to find the truth and meaning underlying things. Every encounter and every piece of knowledge gained gets sifted through the INFP's value system, and is evaluated to see if it has any potential to help the INFP define or refine their own path in life. The goal at the end of the path is always the same - the INFP is driven to help people and make the world a better place.
INFPs are flexible and laid-back, until one of their values is violated. In the face of their value system being threatened, INFPs can become aggressive defenders, fighting passionately for their cause. When an INFP has adopted a project or job which they're interested in, it usually becomes a "cause" for them. Although they are not detail-oriented individuals, they will cover every possible detail with determination and vigor when working for their "cause".
INFPs have very high standards and are perfectionists. Consequently, they are usually hard on themselves, and don't give themselves enough credit. INFPs may have problems working on a project in a group, because their standards are likely to be higher than other members' of the group. In group situations, they may have a "control" problem. The INFP needs to work on balancing their high ideals with the requirements of every day living. Without resolving this conflict, they will never be happy with themselves, and they may become confused and paralyzed about what to do with their lives.
INFPs are usually talented writers. They may be awkard and uncomfortable with expressing themselves verbally, but have a wonderful ability to define and express what they're feeling on paper. INFPs also appear frequently in social service professions, such as counselling or teaching. They are at their best in situations where they're working towards the public good, and in which they don't need to use hard logic."
"In" Words
Okay I give up... It's like 1:15 am and I don't have the energy to think at the moment. I know there are a lot of words. At work the buzzwords are Inform, Influence and Inspire. I find it interesting that integrity is not on that list. Apparently you don't need integrity... just as long as you can do the other three things. Hmm... What does that say about the company?
Idealism Meets Reality
Author: Felix Adler
This is largely a continuation of the last couple of posts. What is the price of silence? What is your price? Everyone has one. For me... my price was having a job. It meant some level (albeit false) of security. I knew I had an income coming in. So I foolishly thought that if I remained quiet... or at least tried to keep my head down and keep a low profile then I would still have a job. I also kept hoping that things would one day change... that they would get better. When I came back from my LOA I was given false hope when Christie became my manager. This doesn't take anything away from Christie because I strongly believe that she is a great manager and I respect her a great deal. It gave me that hope that just maybe this time would be different. But when I was fired idealism came face to face with reality. No matter how hard you try you are not going to change a zebra's stripes. It is what it is... and likewise you can't change who a person is and what their values are.
I've also learned that losing your job is not the end of the world. Sure it sucks (although the time off is kind of nice *lol*) and not having that steady income is stressful but it could be worse. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't miss my team and my manager. I've talked to Christie since then but it's not the same. Right now there is still a chasm between us.... things that neither of us can say. And as much as people seem to think I hate the company and "damn the man" I don't feel that way. I can still see the good in that company.... although I think there would need to be some changes made... much like with any company.
After I was fired it was like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. I didn't realize just how toxic the environment was. This is what I want to fight... I know I'm not the only one... caught up in a world of paranoia, anxiety, stress and fear. I thought I had to be perfect and prove myself all the time. It was killing me, to be perfectly honest. It was all stemming from one person. That night was the best night's sleep I had in years. The exhaustion I had felt before Adam and I separated was suddenly lifted, along with the symptoms of depression. Gone... It was this remarkable recovery.
Two years of suffering... for a steady income. The sad fact is that countless other people have also had to endure this and many still are. My silence came at a price. I sacrificed my health for a few bucks... and I let other people down. I didn't stand up for the other people that had to go through the same thing... the ones that chose to leave instead.
I would get knocked down and would just stand back up. I refused to quit thinking that was so noble of me and that people would notice. That was a foolish thought because each time they basically bought my silence. Sure I kept coming back... but no one knew what I had to go through just to keep my job. And each time I got knocked down I thought things would be different. But it takes someone speaking up and becoming a martyr if you will before change occurs.
I'm pretty sure that most people who have been there for a while have their own horror stories and most, if not all, are extremely jaded. I don't blame them. I was harassed by team leaders and by a team manager. I even had my bathroom habits monitored at one point, which still embarrasses me and that was 2 years ago. I've been yelled at by managers on the floor in front of agents. They sent me on a 7 week leave of absence that involved forced psychiatric treatment. Their own doctor said I was suffering from clinical depression but they used the performance issues from untreated depression to hold me back. Umm... discrimination anyone? I had a team leader take credit for my work so that she looked good. And then there was the dismissal. I never thought I'd be fired for trying to motivate people and make them laugh. But I guess management wasn't laughing. We'll see who gets the last laugh.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Taking After Switzerland
Author: Bishop Desmond Tutu
That's a pretty strong statement. After all the natural inclination is to not be in the middle and to want to be neutral. But there is also a great deal of truth in that statement. If we are neutral then we are just washing our hands of it and refusing to get our hands dirty to help out.
I can't count how many people have said that I got a raw deal and that it shouldn't have happened and then turn around and say that they don't have an issue with this person. So does that mean that what they did to me was right?
I completely understand the response though... I did the same thing for a long time. I sat on the sidelines and watched and basically said, "It's not me and it's not my war." And now look at where I am. I chose to be neutral and not do anything. Then suddenly I was in the cross hairs and wishing that I had taken a stand in the past and not taken on the role of Switzerland in the past. So remember that the next time you stand on the sidelines and watch a poor, little mouse get crushed by an elephant.
Silent No Longer
Author: A. A. Hodge
For too long I have stayed silent, scared of what would happen if I spoke up. I am silent no longer. Now that doesn't mean that I am going to tell-all... least of all my blog. There is a time and a place. But I am standing up for the truth and for my rights. The spoken word and the written word can be powerful weapons if wielded properly. They may have fired me in an attempt to silence me but they have not taken my voice. I left with my head held high and my integrity intact. The only thing I regret is not speaking up sooner.
Change begins with one person taking a stand and refusing to back down. It has been a tough road and, believe me, the last few weeks... hmm... make that 2 years now... have really taken a toll on me and cost me a great deal. But it has also inspired me to be an advocate for equal rights and fair treatment... Bring back the ethics to the workplace. I'm taking a stand for the truth... What would you take a stand on?
Integrity Quotes
Author: Bishop Desmond Tutu
Quote: It is easier to find a score of men wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough, in the face of opposition, to stand up for it.
Author: A. A. Hodge
Quote: Have no fear of robbers or murderers. They are external dangers, petty dangers. We should fear ourselves. Prejudices are the real robbers; vices the real murders. The great dangers are within us. Why worry about what threatens our heads or purses? Let us think instead of what threatens our souls.
Author: Victor Hugo
Quote: Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Author: Source Unknown
Quote: Character is always lost when a high ideal is sacrificed on the altar of conformity and popularity.
Author: Source Unknown
Quote: Achievement is not the most important thing -- Authenticity is
Author: Source Unknown
Quote: It is far better to be trusted and respected that it is to be liked.
Author: Source Unknown
Quote: It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.
Author: Roy Disney
Quote: If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters.
Author: Alan Simpson
Quote: The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out.
Author: Thomas Babington Macaulay
Quote: Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
Author: Albert Einstein
Quote: Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence.
Author: Unknown
Quote: To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.
Author: William Shakespeare
Monday, April 09, 2007
Voyeurism in the Online World
They say that knowledge is power. We always want to "know" what's going on with everyone else. To a certain degree we are all voyeurs in the online world. A voyeur is defined as, "An obsessive observer of sordid or sensational subjects." We check out everyone else's blogs, Myspace pages, or facebook accounts to see who is friends with who... and for the latest news on them. I know people that spend hours on Facebook and will try and dig up the dirt on anyone they ever knew. This knowledge makes us feel important... as if we might have leverage, or at least know something about them that other people don't.
It also opens up the whole can of worms of online predators... People are less likely to censor themselves online. They are a lot more open and will say things that normally you wouldn't tell a complete stranger or someone that you barely know. So people could be spying on you... or stalking you based on what you post or what information you choose to give out.
Blogging makes people feel important, like they have a voice. The big question, is anyone really listening? And, who cares? I blog because I want to... It's sort of an online journal... Aside from some current self-censorship that one day I might be able to talk about. I'm not saying that friends and family don't care about what I have to say... but beyond that no one f'ing cares. But before you decide to post something you might want to think about the long term consequences. Would you want a stranger knowing this... or a potential employer.... and how would you feel in 5 years reading this? Be careful who you let see your online persona. And now it's time to go spy on some friends... err check out their most recent blog posts *lol*
I'm also back to wondering if we are more open and honest with our blogs or if we are merely hiding behind the shield of anonymity that the internet brings with it. Would I say the same things to someone in person that I say here? Even better, would I be willing to say it to anyone? Now I can easily say the answer to that would be no... After all there are boundaries in any relationship and I wouldn't necessarily disclose everything about myself to anyone. Yet I am willing to "bare my soul" here.
It comes back to the way the internet is changing how we communicate. I'm starting to wonder what a real conversation is like... one without internet shorthand, a web post, or an email.... I was recently on MSN chatting with a few different people (the internet does have some advantages) and the conversation went on for a lot longer then it probably would've if we had been talking in the real world. But then the flip side of that is the fact I had work to do that didn't get done. I'm sure most people can attest to losing vast amounts of time to the internet for a wide variety of reasons. It's going to be interesting to see what happens with the internet,... both good and bad and just how it will shape our personal relationships.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Friday, April 06, 2007
Part 4

Part 3

Okay so this wasn't the original part 3 that I was going to do... But someone sent me a link to these really cool decals that you can get for your car. So I thought I'd add them in and make a fun version of the HHR. For all of the versions so far just click here. And if you want t0 actually see the decals just check out the craftcuts web site. Now I have to figure out how to actually create the final image in the series... That one is certainly proving to be a little more difficult then the rest.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Present for the Former Boss

Some of you might remember the image I had of my boss' vehicle. If not here is the picture of Christie's HHR. I had said that I was going to do part two and just didn't have that kind of time. Seeing as I am now seeking employment elsewhere I had the time to do part 2. We'll see if I ever get around to part 3. That one is a little more challenging. Hey Christie are you scared yet?
New Tattoo Idea
The Crazy Ones

Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things.
They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward.
Maybe they have to be crazy.
How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silence and hear a song that's never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
We make tools for these kinds of people. Where some people see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
Apple Macintosh Advertisement