Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Does This Look Infected, Round 2

For the last week or so I have been battling with an ingrown toenail. I didn't want to go to the doctor about it. See a long time ago my family doctor had told me that if I continued to get them then I would need to have the nail completely removed. I really didn't want that to happen. So whenever the toenail got ingrown I pretty much did some home surgery (Read: butcher job) to cut away the nail and drain the infection. Needless to say that's not recommended. But I didn't want my nail to be removed since then it leaves the toe exposed and causes even more pain when you stub your toe. So basically I was afraid to admit that it was a recurring issue. However, this time it has been really bad. Tried the epson salts and tried digging it out (don't try that at home). Not working so well. The other day I was evacuated so I was standing outside. I'm sure that didn't help anything. I really didn't want to put pressure on my foot. Then last night I was standing more at work while talking to the manager in between calls. The pain just kept increasing and increasing and... you get the picture. So finally I decided to head straight to the ER after work. Do not pass go... do not collect $200. Needless to say they weren't so entertained with the home remedies and the DIY surgery attempts. I was there for 2 hours (short trip for me). The doctor didn't want to cut it open at the moment since he couldn't tell just how ingrown it was. So now I am on antibiotics to get rid of the infection and if it still doesn't get any better then I'll be back getting the nail cut away from the edge. Hopefully it doesn't come to that. I don't want to be back at the hospital. I was also reminded as to how with Fibromyalgia your sense of pain is really messed up. What would be a tolerable pain for most people may be twice as painful for me, just because the pain receptors are all out of whack. Unlike the fire I will not be posting pictures of the infection later.

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