Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pause, Stop and Think

Ever since I got my cable fixed I have been subscribed to the military channel. I have such eclectic tastes I tell you. Hours of viewing pleasure. Any ways I was watching one show not that long ago called Combat Zone. It looks at specific battles that have occurred in history. This particular episode was on the "Triangle of Death" in Iraq.

What stood out to me wasn't the attacks by the insurgents or the changing face of modern warfare. The main focus was on the first ever democratic election. The US soldiers were protecting the polls allowing people to vote. They would not allow cars for fear of car bombs. So people had to walk in. And still they came. The insurgents continued to attack.. with mortar fire and live rounds. And still they came. These people risked their lives to come out and vote. 70% turned out to vote. In spite of it all these people had the courage to get out and vote.

Kind of puts us to shame. The last election I did get out and vote... but it wasn't because I really felt inspired to do so. I only voted because I was walking right by the polling station any ways. I still felt like it was an inconvenience and it was right down the street. Not like I had to contend with gunfire or anything. It was apathy. I didn't feel like it mattered. Political parties to me equal corruption and none of their platforms really seemed relevant to me. Stories like these really make me stop and think. I take for granted the fact I live in a democratic society and the freedom that comes with it. Perhaps it would be good to keep this in mind the next time there is an election.

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