Saturday, August 19, 2006

Long Stretch

Currently finishing up a long stretch at work... okay so 6 days really isn't that bad. Just seems like it was a long time. Maybe it's the fact I've also been on days. I haven't been getting 8 hours of sleep and each day I struggle to get out of bed. Looking forward to a week of nights actually. A chance to sleep in. The last couple of weeks have been rough... I've just felt like I was struggling. It's unusual for me... I generally feel like I can get it done and meet the mandate. But this month I keep feeling like I am behind the 8 ball. It might be because Pat is going on vacation... but more likely it was the trouble I had getting Aces done last week.

I can't seem to let go... I need to find a way to relax. It's not something that comes natural to me though. I know I spend too much time thinking about things... I get home and I am still thinking about work. That's not entirely bad but I also need to find ways to get away from it. The downside of being a Type A personality.

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