Friday, October 06, 2006

Side Effects of Stress

Stress has all kinds of negative side effects. There are the long term effects like heart disease. But there are also the more immediate effects of low back pain, and pain in the neck and shoulders. I'm really feeling those effects right now. Fortunately I am back to the chiropractor on Tuesday. It's been three weeks since I was there last... normally it's every other week. So I am really feeling it.

The more stress I feel the more the more I clench my teeth as well. It's an unconscious response to the stress. The problem is that when you bite down you use a great deal of force. It wears down the teeth and it causes a great deal of pain. When I open my jaw I can hear it pop. I used to have a mouth guard to prevent the TMJ from acting up but it broke a little while ago. I can't get a new one made until a) the cavities are all filled and b) I have the $300 it costs to get one made. Too bad most of the treatment for TMJ is done through dentists... so it ends up being pretty expensive. But the pain is agonizing.

I'm not sure if it is related but I am also experiencing a great deal of sinus pressure. I feel like I am fighting an ear infection or something. That's the downside to chraniofacial pain... It's all connected and since it radiates it's hard to find the source. I tried applying ice but it did not make a difference.

I really should go see my doctor but it's not exactly that easy to go to Pickering. I've been working Monday to Friday for quite a while now. Plus there is the cost of getting there and back. It's been almost 5 months since I saw the doctor... The last time I was there he was referring me to the hematologist. At that point in time he thought I was going to need a bone marrow biopsy. It all started with the rheumatologist... who has already said he won't treat Fibromyalgia because it's too common... Maybe Dr. McLean will send me to Mount Sinai since they have an entire treatment team for both TMJ and for Fibromyalgia. But then I have to be able to get to Toronto for treatment. I am not sure I like that option either. The downside to not having a local doctor. You tend to put off getting treatment unless you absolutely need it.

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