Saturday, June 30, 2007

Shiny, New MacBook Pro

Wednesday I woke up and I was a little depressed. It seemed like it had been one thing after another and leading that discouragement was the fact I still had not received the replacement computer and didn't even know if it had shipped out. In fact I was assuming that it hadn't. It was frustrating. I wanted my computer back. I wanted to bring this story to conclusion. So I check my email... still no tracking information. *Sigh* And then go downstairs to get the mail. As I get off the elevator a FedEx shipping label catches my eye. It couldn't be... or could it? My phone wasn't blinking indicating there was a message... But I decide to check the label and it was for me. All of a sudden I had a reason to be excited.

But then I was left with another dilemma. As of late I have been going to bed really late... as in dawn has also broken and I am just heading to bed late. And with the medication I am out cold for at least 5 hours. I don't want to sleep through the delivery. So then I am faced with what to do. I had 3 options... 1. Go to bed when I normally do and get up for the delivery, then be tired all day. 2. Stay up until after they deliver. 3. Pull an all nighter. Now staying up for an extra 4 hours or so didn't sound too difficult and sounded like the best solution.... Boy was I wrong.

So at about the time I would have been on my way to bed I was putting on Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl and then Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. But at 9:00 a.m. all I want to do is sleep.... And was starting to get irritable. The delivery guy showed up at 10, an hour later then he was here the day before. Now he must have thought I was high on something. I answer the door and he starts talking about how he was here the day before and going on some spiel. I was fixated on the MacBook Pro he had in is hands. And all I could think was, "Just give me the package so I can go to bed." Finally I sign for it and he leaves.

Now do you think I could go to bed? Of course not. I deleted most of the applications on the PC. Shut it down and took out the wireless card. Replaced it with the modem. Found the software for the computer and put it by the door for Steve to pick up later. Then I unpacked my new computer and turned it on. Went through the setup assistant an downloaded a couple of applications I knew I wanted. By this point it's noon and time for a nap. Slept for about 4 hours and then got up. I was still exhausted but didn't want to throw off the sleep schedule any more than I already had.

Spent the remainder of the day installing software and setting my computer back up just the way I like it. But when I connected my external drive I ran into a problem. The USB port wouldn't always recognize the drive... which was the same problem I had with the other MacBook Pro. That was not good news to me. So I connect it to the other USB port and get nothing. Reconnect it to the first port and it works fine. So I go back to what I was doing. Well Steve comes by with my camera and I want to take the pictures off. Plug it in and get nothing. Now I don't want to disconnect the external drive because that is what holds most of the documents and music. So then I try a USB keyboard and get no response. After waiting 2.5 weeks for the replaement computer all I can think is that it's a DOA system. I don't want to wait even longer. And Steve is in the process of taking the other computer. Believe me I don't want to erase the drive and start over either. I had just spent about 7 hours getting it set up. So now that I am about ready to cry. Things are not looking good. Fortunately, I had spent 4 years troubleshooting so all hope was not lost. I did a hardware reset and both USB ports began working. *Huge sigh of relief*

So here I am blogging from my nice, new computer. It is the first display that is mercury free. It's LED based which also means the picture is there instantly, no delay. With the glossy screen it also looks much brighter, and more vibrant then my old computer. I haven't really been able to test the battery life yet. But I really like it and am glad to be able to bring this to an end. Now I just have to talk to executive relations about it, as a follow-up and discuss getting my AppleCare refunded so that I can purchase a new one for this computer.

And just in case you are wondering... I also bought a lap desk which is designed so that you can use the computer on your lap without having to worry about the heat dissipating and burning you. I'm still testing it out. Ergonomically I think it might be a bit of a problem since I now have to raise my arm to type. But we'll see.... now if only it had a cup holder too. Then I would be all set.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kido! Keep this schedule up and you'll have a short life - I hope it's a happy one....


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