Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Vacation Plans?

Dad called me today. He wanted to bounce a possible idea off me. He wants to look into how many air miles he has and possibly have the kids come out there for a week. Dad also wanted to try and explain why he turned down mom's offer to come out here over Christmas. I'm not sure what to think. He said it just would've been a fight over where to spend the time since mom didn't want to go visit the same people he did. So go alone. He was also commenting on the fact mom had to work. So go visit people while mom is at work. Just a thought. The point was more that Christmas is a time for families and he has never even seen his grand daughter.

The other part that was interesting is that he didn't mention mom being there. I'm under no illusions that their marriage is solid or even that it's worth saving. But I would like to think that if it's a family get-together that all members of the family would at least be invited.

I love BC. Going back out there is actually tempting. It's the family part of that I am not as crazy about. No offense to Suzanne and Dave since I would see them any time :o) Love you guys. When I am on vacation I want it to be relaxing and low stress. Now I am already going to Montreal in August for the Nascar race which doesn't leave me much vacation time. I was hoping to spend the rest of it just relaxing with Azrael. I hate to say it but quality time with the family is not stress free. I still think I should've gone out there while on my LOA. At least I had the time then to do it and it's not like the 7 weeks off was really a vacation. But we'll see... Just might be heading out to BC this summer.

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