Monday, May 15, 2006


So tomorrow I am back to the doctors. Gotta head up to Pickering before work. Maybe I'll even get the results of my blood work. I'm hoping he can also figure out why I am still so tired all the time. The medication is definitely helping to keep me asleep but I still feel exhausted when I get up and low on energy. I got to thinking back and it seemed to have started when I got the flu... and that was two years ago. But I guess rapid weight loss tends to have lasting consequences. Hard to believe I dropped to 70 pounds and was still going to work. Lost the semester at school and that was the end of my academic career. Before someone wants to suggest ginseng it can't be taken with my current medication. I kept thinking that I just needed more sleep... and that in time it would get better... but I guess I was wrong. Maybe it is just the fibromyalgia. Either way it is really frustrating and really limits what I do. It also ends up being a viscious cycle. For instance, I don't walk to work because I don't have the energy but because I'm not getting much exercise I end up more tired. I guess the first step to being completely healthy was actually getting a family doctor. Now I can really look into what's going on. Or hey, if nothing else I can get my prescription refilled.

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