Monday, May 15, 2006

How to Get out of Doing Laundry

Some days I can just be such an idiot... I know technology doesn't mix well with water. Yet somehow if I can get it into the laundry I will. About a year ago my cell phone went through the washing machine... followed by the dryer. You'd think I would have learned. Apparently not. Last weekend I checked the pockets on one side. Saved my keys, bank card and pen. Losing them would have been much cheaper. I thought my PDA was on the table but I was wrong. As I put the clothes in the dryer I heard "thump, thump, thump." Never a good sound. My heart just dropped. I let it dry out for 24 hours and amazingly it did power on (but only when connected to power). You could definitely see water marks on the display. In Apple land we'd call that "Beyond economical repair." After 48 hours the display actually looked normal... well okay there was an occassional flicker but at least you couldn't see the water marks. Unfortunately, there are still power issues. It doesn't seem to be recognizing the battery. I suppose if I leave it long enough it just might start working again. I ended up ordering a replacement which should be here in about a week. I bought a titanium case for my original PDA. Looks like I needed a waterproof case instead. Or maybe I just shouldn't keep it in my pants pocket. One of life's lessons. Maybe I'll learn this time. Or maybe I'll just get someone else to do my laundry for me.

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