Monday, May 15, 2006


It is currently 24 degrees C (74.2 degrees F) in my apartment... definitely a lot warmer then I would like it to be. And that is with the air conditioner in my bedroom. Granted my room is a lot cooler but I'd really like them to fix the thermostat. I'm thinking I might still need a fan out in the living room. The air conditioner doesn't seem to extend much past my bedroom. But that might change once the heat isn't on in the living room. All I know is that 74 degrees is a little too warm for my liking. It drove me nuts when Steve had the temperature cranked all winter. I had trouble breathing and in heat I also notice more pain, although that one is likely perception. Could be worse... when I first moved in it was bout 86 degrees in here... so it is cooler now. A little lower would be nice.

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