Sunday, May 28, 2006

Financial Woes

Undoubtedly one of the biggest stressors in my life is finances. When I moved in May it really put me behind. I had to pay first and last which was $1488. That's a lot of money to suddenly have to come up with... especially since my rent at the old apartment was $440. Then there were other fees associated with moving. There were a few things I needed to buy when I moved in, fortunately I didn't need a whole lot. Still cost me about $100. Then there was the reconnection with Cogeco. Plus I have been getting a lot of dental work done recently and not all of that was covered. And I still have the usual bills to pay. There are credit cards, cell phone, the chiropractor and groceries. We just got paid and I'm already wondering how bills will be paid. I'm not sure June will be much better but only time will tell. I just need to get back on track and caught up. Maybe I should start playing the lottery and hope. Okay maybe not. Or maybe I need to find a way to make more money. But I think I'll wait until I am feeling better before I start taking on other tasks in my spare time. I could do some web design but I really don't want to do anything that might cause stress. I'm doing my best to just relax and keep myself relatively healthy. I could just take the attitude that "It's only money" but I am pretty sure that the people I owe money to wouldn't really like that.

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